Sioux Falls, SD (KELO-AM) A new comunity group has formed to launch a new effort against an indoor pool at Spellerberg Park in Sioux Falls.
Last month, voters overwhelmingly rejected a new outdoor pool at Spellerberg, but Public Pool Partners says since then many voters have said that rejecting the outdoor pool didn't mean they supported a indoor pool at Spellerberg.
Group spokesman, John Matthius, says they will start a petition drive to get a new ballot measure before the voters with specific location requirements, that would effectively rule out Spellerberg.
At the same time, Matthuis says the group will lobby City Council against voting on an indoor pool location May 13.
Here is the proposed ordinance:
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED qualified voters of the municipality of Sioux Falls, the state of South Dakota, petition that the following ordinance be submitted to the voters of that municipality for their approval or rejection pursuant to law. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SIOUX FALLS, SOUTH DAKOTA TO BUILD AN INDOOR SWIMMING POOL: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF SIOUX FALLS, SOUTH DAKOTA: The indoor pool will be true financial partnership between private and public interests with 10% of the construction costs being raised and paid for by private organizations. The indoor pool site must be located on roadways with no less than 4 lanes of traffic. If built in a Sioux Falls city park, that park must be at least 25 acres in size, to provide sufficient room for future expansion and adequate parking for national / regional swim meets. There shall be no less than 350 onsite parking spaces for indoor pools greater than 25 meters. If a city-owned site is determined for an indoor pool, that site must have clear title and city shall obtain legal opinion the site does not have any contingencies in the deed or title which may compromise future ownership of the property.