SIOUX FALLS, SD (KELO-AM)This Sunday’s Hershey’s Track & Field meet previously scheduled for Howard Wood Field has been relocated to O’Gorman High School, 3201 South Kiwanis Avenue.
The Hershey Company and Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation are sponsoring a local Hershey’s Track & Field meet for girls and boys ages 9 to 14. The Hershey’s Track & Field meet takes place on Sunday, May 18, 2014, at 1 p.m. at O’Gorman High School. Download registration forms in advance at siouxfalls.org/parks/recreation/youth/track-field or register on site beginning at 1 p.m.
Each participant can choose two running events and one field event or two field events and one running event. No starting blocks are used, and no shoes designed for spikes can be used. Each participant will compete in the group determined by their age as of December 31, 2014.
More information, including a downloadable copy of the summer Activities Guide, can be found at www.siouxfalls.org/parks or call 605-367-8222. To receive updates on Parks and Recreation activities, visit www.facebook.com/siouxfallsparks orwww.twitter.com/siouxfallsparks.