SiouxFalls, SD (KELO AM) - Pockets of dense fog have developed across the area this morning. Visibility of a quarter mile or less is likely in be alert for spots of rapidly decreasing visibility if out driving this morning. Visibility is expected to improve by 9 a.m.
A Dense Fog Advisory is in effect for the area through 9:00 a.m. Saturday morning.
A few thunderstorms will be possible across the area late Saturday afternoon and evening. Severe weather is not expected from this activity...although locally heavy rainfall will again be possible.
For Sunday through Friday, a stronger storm system will bring an increased chance for thunderstorms Sunday night into Monday. Widespread severe storms are not anticipated, a few strong storms may be possible west of the James River Sunday night.
Thunderstorm chances will return to the area by mid-week. At this time it is too early to determine if severe storms will be possible.
This updates the earlier Dense Fog Advisory.