The Solberg Avenue Overpass in southwestern Sioux Falls will open for public traffic after a ribbon cutting on Tuesday, August 20, at 1:30 p.m. Representatives from the City of Sioux Falls, the South Dakota Department of Transportation, and the Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce will be in attendance.
“This project is the first structure built over Interstate 229 since 1992,” says Mark Cotter, Director of Public Works. “The overpass is going to provide an additional route for people who live or work on the west side of town, and it also will accommodate pedestrian and bicycle traffic, connecting neighborhoods.”
Come and help us celebrate this wonderful event!
Solberg Avenue Overpass Ribbon Cutting and Opening Tuesday, August 20, 2013 1:30 p.m.
Turn south from 57th Street onto Solberg Avenue and continue until the bridge.