Sioux Falls, SD (KELO-AM) The GOP-led House is expected to pass legislation Friday that would approve the controversial Keystone XL Pipeline, which would run from Canada to the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. The Senate could take up the bill as early as next week, President Obama has not indicated whether he would sign the measure into law, but argues the project should be judged on the basis of whether it accelerates climate change. South Dakota U.S. Senator John Thune says building the pipeline will give America’s oil supply a boost, and free up rail space… meanwhile, retiring U.S. Senator Tim Johnson says he would vote against legislation to approve the Keystone XL oil pipeline should the Senate bring the long-delayed project up for a vote. Johnson confirmed his opposition Friday, saying a review process should play out before constructing the pipeline. The Democrat says any project that big must be dealt with carefully because of environmental, economic and public safety concerns. Thune appeared on FOX NEWS SUNDAY with host Chris Wallace this morning on KELO-AM