Sioux Falls, S.D. (KELO AM) - On Saturday night at around 10:15 rain, hail and very high winds blew through Sioux Falls. Many homes, businesses and many trees suffered damage.
"My family and I were watching TV when it hit," said Christina Brown, Sioux Falls Resident. I thought someone was trying to open my front door. The storm was furious but it over in about 10 minutes"
Browm said, in the morning, reflections of the Sioux Falls Ice Storm had come back. A lot of trees were down, houses had lost shingles and a business under construction near 62nd and Western had blown down.
"I hope the city has a little money left over from the Ice Storm and will take these branches away," said Jim Daniels, Sioux Falls Resident. "KELO TV said this was more direct wind, not a tornado, but the two feel quite similar."