SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - Five-thousand runners and walkers, and counting, for Avera’s Race Against Breast Cancer Saturday at the Fitness Center.
Missy Kuyper says 100% of the money raised in the Race goes to Avera’s Cancer Institute. She says you'll know that coming out to this event you will be making a difference in someone's life, whether it's a relative, friend, co-worker or someone you don't know, you're definately doing something to help people.
Kuyper says to register online or the day of the race, Saturday, May 9, at Avera McKennan Fitness Center. 3400 S. Southeastern Ave. Sioux Falls, SD
The event consists of a 10K run, 5K run, 3 mile walk and 1.5 mile family fun walk.
Online registration is $35. Offline registration is $40 and Race Day registration is $45.