By Tony Mangan
PIERRE (KELO AM) - The use of heavy equipment and trailers to haul debris will mean closing parts of the city of Delmont to vehicle and foot traffic for two days this week.
Officials says the closure of some parts of Delmont is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday. The equipment will be used so removal of large debris from the May 10 tornado can be done uninterrupted. The closure is for safety reasons.
Also to be closed Wednesday and Thursday will be the Volunteer Reception Center. The center will reopen Friday 8 a.m.-7 p.m. and also be open 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday at the baseball field located at the south end of the community. Those volunteering are asked to come into Delmont on Highway 18.
The Donations Management Center, located at the Delmont American Legion Hall, remains open from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. every day.
For information about either center, call 605-212-9605.
Those people in Delmont Wednesday and Thursday are asked to watch for heavy equipment and vehicles in the tornado-damaged sites.