Sioux Falls, SD (KELO AM) - Here are the latest road and utility projects starting this week in Sioux Falls:
53rd Street Construction Jandl Drive to West Mesa Pass
Beginning on Tuesday, June 16, 2015, 53rd Street from Jandl Drive to West Mesa Pass will be closed to allow construction crews to install new water main and perform street surfacing. Traffic in this area should use Plains Drive or 54th Street as an alternate route.
Work is anticipated to be completed by late July.
Drivers are urged to use caution and reduce their speed while travelling near the construction area and may want to consider alternate routes.
Six Mile Road Construction
Beginning on Tuesday, June 16, 2015, Six Mile Road will be closed at Willow Wood Street to allow construction crews to begin work on a water main connection in the intersection. Work will include installing a 12 inch water main across Six Mile Road.
Six Mile Road will be closed at Willow Wood Street during daytime hours. The intersection will remain open overnight.
This work is anticipated to be finished by the evening of June 17, 2015.
Drivers are urged to use caution and reduce their speed while travelling near the construction area and may want to consider alternate routes.
Sanitary Sewer Repairs
Beginning on Tuesday, June 16, 2015, construction crews will be working on sanitary sewer repairs on North St. Paul Avenue from East Fifth Street to East Sixth Street.
Through traffic will be one lane only around the construction area, with no on street parking near the work zones.
Work is expected to take three working days with favorable working conditions.
Drivers are urged to use caution and reduce their speed while traveling near the construction areas and may want to consider alternate routes.
Lane Closures Sycamore Avenue and 18th Street
Beginning on Monday morning, June 15, 2015, lane closures will be installed on North Sycamore Avenue between East Tenth Street and East Taylor Street. Northbound traffic will be reduced to one lane as contractors will be replacing the retaining wall on the east side of the road. Another lane closure will be installed on East 18th Street near Sycamore Avenue. Traffic may become congested turning on and off of 18th Street. Motorists are asked to use caution in this vicinity.
The project is anticipated to be completed by July 15, 2015.
Drivers are urged to use caution and reduce their speed while traveling near the construction areas and may want to consider alternate routes.
Westport Avenue Closure Sencore Drive through Benson Road
Beginning on Monday, June 15, 2015, construction crews will resume work on Westport Avenue. Westport Avenue will be closed to traffic from Sencore Drive through the Benson Road intersection. Traffic will be detoured north on I-29 to 60th Street North and south on I-29 to Russell Street. Access to businesses near the Sanford Sports Complex will be off of 60th Street North, south on Westport Avenue to 51st Street.
Construction is expected to be completed by the end of June.
Drivers are urged to use caution and reduce their speed while traveling near the construction area and may want to consider alternate routes.