SIOUX FALLS, SD (KELO-AM) We are calling artists of all levels to submit their designs for enhancing the visibility and awareness of Public Access Defibrillators (PAD), also known as Automatic External Defibrillators (AED), in our community.
Rural/Metro Ambulance and Sioux Falls Fire Rescue, along with the Sioux Falls Arts Council, are proud to present our first annual AED Art Contest. The contest is designed to increase public awareness of the locations of public access AEDs in the city of Sioux Falls. Monetary prizes are being provided by Avera Heart Hospital. First prize is $500, second prize is $250, and third prize is $100. The American Heart Association Mission Lifeline is providing the cost for the final prints that will be placed at ten locations, yet to be determined.
The goal of this contest is to engage community members to help further the health and well-being of all those that work, live, and play in our community.
The AED Art Contest encourages participants of all ages to design pieces of art that will be turned into vinyl prints that will be placed around ten different AEDs in the city of Sioux Falls. Artwork must be submitted by Monday, May 19, 2014, at 12 noon. The final submissions will be posted on Facebook and on display at the Empire Mall from May 21 through May 24 during EMS Week for the public to vote on their favorite designs.
The contest website is www.facebook.com/siouxfallsaedartcontest.