SIOUX FALLS, SD (KELO-AM) If you’ve ever enjoyed walking or riding the Sioux Falls bike trails, now is your opportunity to give back. The City of Sioux Falls is looking for volunteers for the 2014 Big Sioux River Greenway Cleanup from 8 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, May 10. Volunteers can participate at eight different parks around the Sioux Falls bike trail, picking up trash and other items. Gloves and garbage bags will be provided—all we need is you!
“This is a great opportunity for our community to work together to ensure our trail system and river are in shape for this summer’s many activities,” says Mark Cotter, Director of Public Works.
Volunteer coordinators will be located at shelters at the eight parks to hand out trash bags and provide direction. The following parks have been selected as meeting areas:
- Legacy Park—7001 West 12th Street
- Dunham Park—1301 South Marion Road
- Falls Park—131 East Falls Park Drive
- Spencer Park—3501 South Cliff Avenue
- Rotary Park—2101 East 18th Street
- Sertoma Park—4300 South Oxbow Avenue
- Fawick Park—200 South Second Avenue
- Cherry Rock Park—1800 East 18th Street
Special thanks to these partnering organizations for providing volunteer coordinators: Sierra Club, John Morrell & Co., Kilian Community College, South Dakota Canoe & Kayak Association, U.S. Bank, Sioux Falls SMG, and the Downtown Sioux Falls Resident Association.
Volunteers are encouraged to wear gloves and appropriate clothing to pick up litter along the bike trail throughout Sioux Falls. Experienced kayakers also are welcome. If an ADA accommodation is needed, please contact the Human Relations Office at 605-367-8745 orhumanrelations@siouxfalls.org at least 72 hours before the event.
The Big Sioux River Greenway Cleanup will occur rain or shine, and no registration is necessary. For more information, contact Matt Tobias of the Public Works Environmental Division at 605-367-8276 or go to www.siouxfalls.org/green.
Contact Us224 W. Ninth St.
(City Hall - First Floor)
P.O. Box 7402
Sioux Falls, SD 57117-7402
Phone: 605-367-8600
Fax: 605-367-8114
Hours of Operation
M-F: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.