WASHINGTON, D.C. (KELO-AM) U.S. Representative Kristi Noem today announced the 2014 Congressional Art Competition Winner: Courtney LaVallie of Sioux Falls. LaVallie’s water color painting “Barn Owl” will hang in the U.S. Capitol complex along with the winning artwork from other congressional districts for the next year. LaVallie is a senior at Roosevelt High School, where the announcement was made earlier this afternoon. Her art teacher is Lisa Dresch.
Kasey Grote of Aberdeen won second place for an acrylic painting, “Flying High.” Grote’s artwork will be displayed in Rep. Noem’s congressional office in Washington for one year.
“I was blown away by the incredible artistic talents of South Dakota’s young people,” said Rep. Noem. “I want to congratulate Courtney and Kasey for their work and thank them for stepping forward to represent South Dakota. I’d also like to thank their teachers, Lisa Dresch and Sherri Treeby, for helping enhance these students’ natural abilities. On behalf of South Dakota, I am proud to have these pieces of art displayed in the U.S. Capitol for all to see.”
The Congressional Art Competition is organized by Rep. Noem’s office in partnership with the South Dakota Arts Council and South Dakotans for the Arts/South Dakota Alliance for Arts Education. The Congressional Art Competition began in 1982 and provides Members of Congress with an opportunity to recognize talent in their home districts.
In addition to having their artwork displayed in Washington, D.C., the students will receive cash awards from South Dakotans for the Arts. For first place, LaVallie receives $200. Grote will receive $50. Permalink: http://noem.house.gov/index.cfm/2014/5/noem-announces-2014-congressional-art-competition-winner-courtney-lavallie-sioux-falls