SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - Van Epps Park on North Minnesota Avenue is one of the city’s smallest parks but it gets a lot of attention from police.
Officer Sam Clemens says most calls to the park are from police themselves. He says there aren't many calls from the public about activity in Van Epps. Most stops to the park come from police patroling the area and don't always result in an arrest or a citation.
Mayor Mike Huether says too many patrons at Vann Epps are drinking. He says he's stopped at the park and talked with those who spend time there. He says alcohol is the fuel that generates most of the problems at Van Epps and Tower Parks. Huether proposes banning alcohol at both parks
Tower Park overlooks Falls Park to the west.and Van Epps is east of the Minnehaha County Administration building.