Sioux Falls, SD (KELO AM) - Here are the road projects that will get underway this week in Sioux Falls.
Street Closure – Dakota Avenue
On Monday morning, July 28, 2014, Dakota Avenue will be closed to through traffic north of Russell Street. Access will be provided to local traffic.
Henning Construction will be installing utilities. The work is anticipated to be finished by the evening of August 8, 2014.
Drivers are urged to use caution and reduce their speed while travelling near the construction area and may want to consider alternate routes.
Lane Closure – Western Avenue
On Tuesday morning, July 29, 2014, the outside northbound lane on Western Avenue will be closed north of 50th Street. Northbound traffic will use the inside northbound lane. ECI will be performing utility work. The work is anticipated to be finished by the afternoon of July 30, 2014.
Drivers are urged to use caution and reduce their speed while travelling near the construction area and may want to consider alternate routes.
Bridge Repairs on North Drive Between Main Avenue and Phillips Avenue
Beginning on Monday, July 28, 2014, bridge repairs will start on North Drive between Main Avenue and Phillips Avenue.
Work will consist of miscellaneous railing repairs and repainting. Two way traffic will be maintained at all times with sidewalk closures over the bridge during construction. Work is expected to take one week work with favorable weather conditions.
Drivers are urged to use caution and reduce their speed while travelling near the construction area and may want to consider alternate routes.
Third Avenue Street Construction
Beginning Monday, July 28, 2014, construction crews will be working on Third Avenue near the railroad tracks between 14th Street and 18th Street performing a sanitary sewer repair. Through traffic will be one lane only around the construction area, with no on street parking near the work zone.
Work is expected to take three days with favorable working conditions.
Drivers are urged to use caution and reduce their speed while travelling near the construction area and may want to consider alternate routes.
Third Street Construction
Beginning Monday, July 28, 2014, Third Street will be closed from Mable Avenue to Highland Avenue while crews install a storm sewer crossing in conjunction with the adjacent water main and street improvement project. A temporary gravel surface will be in place after the pipe is installed until paving occurs on Mable Avenue.
Work is expected to take one week.
Drivers are urged to use caution and reduce their speed while travelling near the construction area and may want to consider alternate routes.