Sioux Falls S.D., (KELO AM) - The Sioux Falls VA invites area Veterans and residents to the 13th annual VA show & Shine on August 20th. All vehicles and motorcycles are welcome, and there is no charge for registration or entrance. The event is intended for Veterans’ and other’ enjoyment.
Registration starts at 5:30 PM in the front parking of the medical center at 2501 W. 22nd Street. Trophies for Veterans’ Choice, People’s Choice, and Director’s Choice. Dash plaques until gone. Veterans Canteen Service will have food for purchase. This event is sponsored by the Siouxland Car Council, Veterans Canteen Service, and other businesses and individuals.
A special invitation is extended to Veterans who currently do not use VA services. VA staff will be on hand to explain VA benefits and services available. Call Shirley Redmond at 333-6889 for more information.