Sioux Falls S.D. (KELO AM) - With the draft Environmental Assessment and Section 4(f) Evaluation document out for public review, Public works will be holding the final public meeting to present the preferred alternative to the public.
The public meeting will be held tonight from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Sioux Falls Convention Center, 1101 North West Avenue. The meeting will begin with a 30-minute presentation. A general question and answer session will be held following the presentation. Representatives from City, State, and Federal staff will be available to answer questions.
Upon request, accommodations for this meeting will be provided for persons with disabilities. Please contact the City Engineering Office, located on the ground floor of City Hall, 224 West 9th Street, Sioux Falls, at 605 367-8601 (voice) or 605-367-7039 (TTY), during regular business hours. The facility is ADA accessible.