SIOUX FALLS (KELO AM) -The public is invited to attend the Armed Forces Day program on Saturday, May 16, which is sponsored by the Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce Military & Veterans Affairs Committee. The event will begin with a musical prelude at 10 a.m., followed by the program at 10:30 a.m. on the grounds of the Sioux Falls VA Medical Center (2501 W. 22nd St.).
The ceremonies will be moved to the South Dakota Air National Guard (1201 W. Algonquin St.) if inclement weather occurs. The ceremony includes a formal military program, a Sioux Falls Municipal Band concert and a keynote address given by retired Maj. Gen. Robert T. Bray, former Adjutant General of Rhode Island.
During the Avenue of Flags ceremony, men and women in the Armed Forces will present American flags in ceremony. The Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce will present “Stars and Stripes” awards to Charlie and Jamie Butler and family and SkyZone for proudly displaying the American flag year-round.
The Oath of Enlistment ceremony will also be conducted as South Dakota men and women are inducted into the U.S. Armed Forces. Outstanding Achievement Awards will be presented to selected guardsmen/women and reservists for outstanding military and community achievement.
For more information, contact Valerie Willson at the Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce at 373.2010.