PIERRE, S.D. (KELO AM) -- People interested in supporting the Delmont tornado response are asked to consider making donations of money or items that can be used by the survivors.
For financial donations, a fund has been established at the First State Bank in Delmont, Tripp, Geddes and Armour.
Officials working with the Donations Management Center report that items needed by the survivors include non-perishable food and snacks, household cleaners, personal care items, can openers and equipment to work with debris cleanup (gloves, rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows, etc.).
Donations of new white goods (appliances) need to be coordinated through the Volunteer Reception Center. Contact Lisa Adler at 605-212-9605.
Donated items can be taken to the Donations Management Center, located in the Delmont American Legion. Please enter Delmont from the east, using 284th Street.