SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - A West River Forensic Interviewer says nationwide over 40% of child sexual abuse cases are child-on-child.
Hollie Strand of Rapid City says almost half of the kids in the system are abused by another child. She says a child under ten can't be prosecuted and that leaves law enforcement with no options.
Strand hopes Jolene’s Law Task Force will address child-on-child abuse.
The year’s second meeting of the Jolene’s Law Task Force, yesterday in Pierre, highlighted improving education and training in child sexual abuse.
Jolene Loetscher says the effort is to expand graduate and undergraduate programs. Loetscher says SDSU and USD are developing a Center of Excellence to deal with child sexual abuse at a graduate and under-graduate level.
The task force works on combating child sexual abuse and offers legislation to that end. Ths is the Task Force's second year of work.