The City of Sioux Falls’ YouTube channel received praise earlier this month when Government Video magazine recognized the channel and the City’s efforts at transparency. The City of Sioux Falls received the Video Web Channel of the Week Salute “for doing a great job of making government friendly and accessible.”
“CityLink staff have developed a great partnership with our entertainment management firms, other City employees, and City leadership. I think we do tremendous work in creating videos that are both informative and entertaining,” says Brett Mathison, Multimedia Support Manager. “Mix those efforts with the exceptional work of our web team, and I can see why people are taking note of the City’s video programming.”
CityLink is a cable channel granted to the City of Sioux Falls for the purpose of cablecasting local government information and programs. CityLink exists to keep you connected by informing and involving you in municipal and county government. CityLink can be found on cable Channels 16 and 594 using Midcontinent Communications’ cable system or on cable Channels 11 and 511 on WOW!’s cable system. Programming also can be found and on the City’s YouTube channel.
For more information about the City of Sioux Falls’ Video Web Channel of the Week Salute, go to