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SIOUX FALLS, SD (KELO-AM) Sioux Falls Fire Rescue will be training in a house scheduled for demolition. The house is provided by the efforts of a partnership between Affordable Housing Solutions and the City of Sioux Falls Community Development Neighborhood Revitalization Program.
When:Wednesday, March 26, 2014, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon
Where:313 North Jessica Avenue
Who:Sioux Falls Fire Rescue Cadet Academy will be training on search and rescue techniques, breaching walls/floors/ceilings, forcible entry, and roof ventilation.
Why:Training in a real house provides valuable training to the Sioux Falls Fire Rescue cadets during the fourth week of their academy. The cadets have been instructed on firefighting skills during the first weeks of their academy and now training in an actual house will put those newly acquired skills to the test.
Visuals: The Sioux Falls Fire Rescue cadets will be using power and hand tools. The cadets have been trained on each tool and piece of equipment they will be using. With the acquired house, they will further develop their skill and knowledge of the equipment through use in an actual structure.
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