SIOUX FALLS, SD (KELO-AM) Sioux Falls residents are encouraged to participate in the 2025 Downtown Plan Community Open House on Wednesday, March 26, 2014, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Ronning Branch Library. The library is located at 3100 East 49th Street. The open house is a great way for citizens to provide their input regarding their vision for the downtown area going forward.
The open house will have a variety of input activities including comment cards, surveys, and Post-it Notes. Staff members will be present to answer any questions. Feel free to stop by anytime during the meeting to give us your input. At 5:45 p.m., a brief overview of the 2025 Downtown planning process will be presented.
If an ADA accommodation is needed, please contact the Human Relations Office at 367-8745 or humanrelations@siouxfalls.org.
For more information, please contact Dustin Powers, Community Development, at 367-8897.
Other opportunities to submit input are available on the project website, including an online survey at www.siouxfalls.org/2025-downtown. Click on “Take the Survey.”