SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - The inmate population at the Minnehaha County jail is growing, the Correctional Center on Russell Street is outdated and more beds are needed.
Those are some of the findings from the Criminal Justice Advisory Committee chaired by Craig Anderson.
The future of the County Correctional Center seems to be short considering it's an aging building that was not originally built to house inmates, even those on work-release. Once that closes, the County loses about 170 beds.
The Committee recommends adding more beds to the downtown jail which could include remodeling the Public Safety Building, adding on to the north side of the jail or buidling more jail floors.
The Committee also sees a need for the State, Sioux Falls and Lincoln County to contribute financially to a solution
Anderson says the Committee recommends hiring engineering and architectural consultants to get closer to a facility decision.
The interim report was presented to the Minnehaha County Commission this morning.