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Heartland House fundraiser Thursday at downtown Hilton


SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - The Heartland House in Sioux Falls offers transitional housing for homeless families with children.

Director Tammie Denning says families must commit to a self-sufficiency plan.

Denning says caseworkers help families with financial planning and budgeting among other household skills.  She says it's easy to give somebody money just to go and get an apartment.  But Heartland House teaches families how to be successful on their own in an apartment.             

“Give From the Heart” fundraiser, supporting Heartland House families in need, is next Thursday at the Hilton Garden Inn.

Thousands of faded signs noticed in the nick of time


Sioux Falls, SD (KELO-AM) Minnehaha County is replacing thousands of rural address markers because they faded too fast.

County Roads Chief, DJ Buthe, says they noticed the premature fading just in time - within 6 months of the warranty expiring.  He says the new markers will be free. They usually cost about $10 each.

These are the small blue and white signs that firefighters and other emergency responders use to find homes out in the country or on gravel roads.  

From riches to rags...to riches


Sioux Falls, SD (KELO-AM) In telling his riches to rags story at the 39th annual Sioux Falls Prayer Breakfast on Good Friday morning, motivational speaker EJ Swanson gave numerous examples of just how rich he was. 

Swanson told the crowd of about 1,500 people at the Ramkota that instead of getting $20 in allowance from his father, he would get $2500. His first car was a red Ferrari. He showed slides of his lifestyle. Swanson was a guy who had everything until he lost it all. He says that no matter how much you have, life is meaningless without Jesus Christ.

Mayor Mike Huether also spoke at the prayer breakfast, asking the crowd to imagine how all the faith and energy in the room could help transform society for the better.

Organizers say the Sioux Falls Prayer Breakfast is one of the largest such events in the country.


Road construction season underway


Sioux Falls, SD (KELO AM) - On Monday, April 6, 2015, street construction will begin on Cliff Avenue from 61st Street to 85th Street. Improvements will include underground utility upgrades, widening Cliff Avenue to five lanes from 61st Street to 69th Street, widening Cliff Avenue to four lanes with a center median from 69th Street to 85th Street, and construction of sidewalks and an 8-foot-wide shared-use path.

Cliff Avenue will be closed from 69th Street to 85th Street for the duration of the project. Traffic on Cliff Avenue will be detoured to Minnesota Avenue via 69th Street and Lincoln County Highway 106. Access to the businesses along Cliff Avenue south of 69th Street will be maintained at all times. One lane of traffic in each direction will be maintained along 69th Street and along Cliff Avenue north of 69th Street throughout the project, but traffic delays should be expected.

“This project will have a major impact on commuters entering Sioux Falls from Harrisburg and other points south of Sioux Falls,” says Chad Huwe, City Engineer. “We appreciate everyone’s patience as we work to expand this roadway to handle not just today’s traffic, but traffic well into the future.”

The contract completion date of this $8.9 million project is November 6, 2015. The prime contractor is D & G Concrete Construction, Inc. of Sioux Falls.

Drivers are urged to use caution and reduce their speed while traveling near the construction area and may want to consider alternate routes.

To stay up to date about street construction in Sioux Falls this summer, go towww.siouxfalls.org/street-construction.

Sioux Falls Road Work


In addition to the closure of Cliff Avenue between 69th and 85th Streets for improvements, here is another project that gets underway this week:  



Bahnson Avenue Curb Repairs 41st Street to 57th Street

Beginning on Monday, April 6, 2015, curb repair work will begin on the east side of Bahnson Avenue from 41st Street to 57th Street.

The project includes removal and replacement of curb and gutter, and sidewalk at various locations.

Two way traffic will be maintained. Parking on Bahnson Avenue may be restricted.

This work is expected to be completed in approximately two weeks.

Drivers are urged to use caution and reduced speeds while travelling near the construction area and may want to consider alternate routes.

Wildland Fire Crews Busy


Sioux Falls, SD (KELO-AM) -- While wildland fire crews are being kept busy in Northwest South Dakota with the Moonshine fire that’s burned over 4 square miles of land, the threat continues locally in eastern SD, Southwest Minnesota and Northwest Iowa.

Saturday, firefighters from Canton, Lennox and Worthing more than an hour to fight and extinguish the large firenear Worthing. The flames destroyed several buildings and burnt a large plot of land.The report came in around mid-morning.

Gusty southerly wind along with low relative humidity will result in a very high grassland fire danger this afternoon and evening.

 Authorities say it's important to abide by county fire warnings and keeping burning minimal in drought-like conditions.

Emergency Managers and Fire officials are hopeful that chances of much needed rain here in the region over the next few days may give some relief to the fire danger.

Harlem Globetrotters, more than entertainers


SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - The barnstormers of basketball, the Harlem Globetrotters are coming to Sioux Falls April 21st.

Point guard Buckets Blakes says the Trotters are more than just a comedy act.

Blakes says the team offers many community outreach programs including Cheer for Character, Some Playtime is Necessary, Smile Patrol that visits children in hospitals and the ABC's of Bullying Prevention.

Blakes says ABC's focuses on Action, Bravery and Compassion in an effor to stop bullying.             

The Globetrotters face the Generals April 21st at the Denny.

Re-purposing Longfellow Elementary for DakotAbilities


SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - The Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce fundraiser for DakotAbilities aims to raise just over a million dollars.

Co-chair of the campaign Brian Thompson says the money will help DakotAbilities renovate Longfellow Elementary.

DakoAbilities assists developmentally disabled and will consolidate two locations at Longfellow.

The Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce kicked-off the fundraising campaign to re-purpose Longfellow Elementary for DakotAbilities.

Mayor Mike Huether says the effort will take a lot of money.  The campaign goal is just over one million dollars.


Drunken brawl puts one SF man in hospital


SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - A Sioux Falls man suffered serious but non-life threatening injuries after he was assaulted in an apartment on West 2nd Street Friday night.

Officer Sam Clemens says 47-year-old Marlin Greenwood of Sioux Falls and the 58-year-old victim got into a fight after a night of drinking.

Clemens says one witness estimate that Greenwood punched the victim about 20 times in the face. Once the victim fell to the floor the witness says Greenwood kicked him 15 to 20 times the head too.

Clemens says Greenwood is charged with aggravated assault.  No word on what sparked the argument.

Announcing 2015 Severe Weather Awareness Training Dates


Sioux Falls, SD  (KELO-AM) If you are interested in learning more about severe weather and how you can better prepare yourself and family by recognizing some of the signs, feel free to attend one of our Severe Weather Awareness training sessions.  These sessions are two hours long, absolutely free to attend and are open to the general public.  Please let everyone know of these informative events.  You will never look at clouds the same way!  The calendar can be viewed at http://www.weather.gov/fsd/spottercalendar.  More dates and locations may be added in the coming weeks, so keep an eye on the calendar!

Xcel Energy outage affects DTSF


Sioux Falls, SD (KELO AM) - A pole fire is to blame for an outage that affected 1,566 Xcel Energy customers on Monday night.

Xcel’s Eric Pauli told KELO Radio that the exact location of the pole that blew up is unknown, only that it knocked power out to much of downtown Sioux Falls. The outage caused all six stations in the KELO family to go off the air briefly before backup power in our building took over.

Power went down shortly after 7PM, and was restored roughly two hours later. 

Fire Rescue treats resident in house fire


SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - Sioux Falls Fire Rescue treated one resident for smoke inhalation in a house fire on North Cypress Place yesterday afternoon.

Crews found heavy smoke with fire in two windows of the manufactured home when they arrived.  The occupants were out of the home

Firefighters controlled the blaze in five minutes.  The home sustained heavy smoke and fire damage.

The Red Cross is assisting the family.

Missouri River research presented at USD symposium


VERMILLION (KELO AM) - Scientists will share new information and discoveries about the Missouri River at the 2015 Missouri River Institute Research Symposium at the University of South Dakota on Thursday, April 9. The symposium opens at 9 a.m., and will take place in the Freedom Forum Conference Room of the Al Neuharth Media Center on the USD campus in Vermillion.

Science and education projects, river management issues, and natural resource studies are among the research topics and themes to be presented.

Scientists from the University of South Dakota, South Dakota State University, the South Dakota Geological Survey, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, the National Park Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are scheduled to present at the symposium.  Faculty and students from the University of South Dakota are included on the presentations schedule.

All presentations are free and open to the public.

For more information and a schedule of presentations, please visit www.usd.edu/mri or contact David Swanson at (605) 677-6175 or via e-mail at david.swanson@usd.edu.

Man and woman face burglary and drug charges


SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - Police arrested a man and a woman on burglary and drug charges early this morning at Tri-State Storage on North Seubert Avenue.

Lieutenant Dave McIntire says a patrol officer found 51-year-old Kent Westra and 25-year-old Heidi Bern in an open storage unit.  McIntire says the officer spotted a suspicious car at the facility and found the pair after inspecting the units.  

He says officers are on patrol every day watching for potential problems.  He says officers can get called to the scene of a crime that's already occured but whenever they can officers are trying to be proactive.        

McIntire says officers found a controlled substance on  Westra and Bern.  

SF School Board gets budget proposal Wednesday


SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - The Sioux Falls School Board will know tomorrow what the proposed budget will be for fiscal year 2016.

School Board President Kent Alberty says the District project an increase of almost two-hundred students next year.        

Alberty says the Board must add a number of teacher to accomodate the increase in students.  He says the Board is trying to be as bare-bones as possible.

The opt out of seven-and-a-half million dollars continues next year.

Despite rain and hail, County burn ban in effect


SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - The Minnehaha County Commission this morning declared a ban on open burning.

Emergency Manager Lynn DeYoung says rain forecast this week isn’t enough.  Tuesday's rainy weather in the Sioux Falls area, including hail.

The fine for open burning is $250 and 30 days in jail

Also, you could be billed for damage and the cost of fighting the fire if it gets away from you,

South Dakota's Tax Freedom Day is Wednesday


SIOUX FALLS, S.D (KELO AM) - Wednesday, April 8, is Tax Freedom Day in South Dakota where taxpayers have collectively earned enough money to pay federal, state and local taxes.

Kyle Pomerleau says South Dakota is the third state, behind Louisiana and Mississippi, to reach Tax Freedom Day.

Connecticut and New Jersey are the last state’s to reach Tax Freedom Day on May 13

National Tax Freedom Day, where taxpayers make enough to pay all taxes, is a day later this year on April 24.

Pomerleau says that’s due to steady economic growth.  He says it's due to the increase in income, slowly pulling ourselve's out of the recession and as we're earning more income of course we're payingmore to the federal, state and local governments.              


Rollover accident this morning in downtown Sioux Falls


SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - Sioux Falls Police say a 19 year old man escaped serious injury in a one-car rollover this morning on South Third Avenue.

Police say Terrell Larry lost control of his car, went over a curb onto the sidewalk.  The car hit a metal post causing it to flip.

Larry was arrested for careless driving and possession of a controlled substance, marijuana and paraphernalia.    

He was alone in the Ford Taurus.

SDFB encouraged by progress toward estate tax repeal


By Kristin Vandersnick

HURON (KELO AM) - Farm and ranch members of the South Dakota Farm Bureau are expressing their thanks for their Congressional delegation’s work on permanently repealing the estate tax, a tax that is especially devastating to families trying to pass the farm or ranch down to the next generation.

Last week, U.S. Representative Kristi Noem (R-SD) helped pass H.R. 1105 – the Death Tax Repeal Act of 2015 – out of the House Ways and Means Committee, paving the way for a vote in the full House later this year. A similar bill authored by U.S. Senator Thune (R-SD) was also adopted last week by the Senate as an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2016 budget resolution.

“Facing an estate tax of up to forty percent when a family is trying to hand down the farm or ranch can be absolutely devastating to that next generation. It’s time to permanently repeal this unfair tax, and we appreciate the hard work of our Congressional delegation to get this job done as soon as possible,” said Scott VanderWal, SDFB President and third-generation family farmer from Volga, S.D.

The estate tax is hard on all family-owned businesses, but especially farms and ranches because agricultural assets – land, livestock, buildings, machinery – are not liquid. As is common with all small businesses, farms and ranches may have a lot of equity, but that does not necessarily translate to cash in the bank. Faced with a death tax of up to 40 percent, families may be forced to sell off assets to access enough cash to pay the tax – assets they need to keep the business operating. Another option is taking a large mortgage on the assets. Either way, it places a huge financial burden on the next generation.

Josh Geigle is a young rancher from Creighton, S.D. who can relate to concerns over what the future may hold if the estate tax stays in place. He and his wife, Shasta, are the fourth on his family’s ranch which was founded in 1907.

“Farming and ranching require extremely high capital investments that take an entire lifetime to pay off,” Josh Geigle commented. “My father and mother have worked their entire lives to keep our family farm and ranch viable so it can be passed down to the next generation. If we ever did face a death tax of this magnitude, we would have to sell half of our land and/or other assets to pay the tax. This would be a huge step backwards for any young family that is stepping up to be the next generation of their family’s farm or ranch.”

The South Dakota Farm Bureau represents more than 14,300 farm, ranch and rural families across the state.


Global tour operators will soak up Sioux Falls


SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - International tour operators will be in Sioux Falls this weekend to learn about area attractions and Midwest hospitality.

Teri Schmidt with Convention and Visitors Bureau says 200 operators from Australia to Europe are coming.  Schmidt says local leaders have five days to take the operators to all of the Sioux Empire's hot spots and to be wined and dined.

Schmidt says they'll return to their respective countries and, if they like what they see and experience, will book their clients on trips to South Dakota and specifically Sioux Falls. 

Sioux Falls won the bid to host the annual Rocky Mountain International Roundup which will be headquartered at the Downtown Holiday Inn April 12-16.



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