SIOUX FALLS (KELO AM) - The Sioux Falls School Board will hold an Election to fill two vacancies when the terms of Kate Parker and Todd Thoelke expire in July. The School District's annual Election will be tomorrow from 7:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M.
Petitions may be picked up in the Office of the Business Manager beginning January 30, 2015. The petitions must be returned to the Office of the Business Manager by 5:00 p.m. on February 27, 2015.
Included on this ballot will be a school start date referendum. This referendum asks whether to hold the opening day of school before or after Labor Day in the years 2015, 2016, and 2017.
Absentee ballots (for voters in both Lincoln and Minnehaha County) will be available at the County Auditor's Office, Minnehaha County Administration Building, 415 North Dakota Avenue no later than March 30, 2015, from 8:00 until 5:00 p.m. daily through April 13, 2015.Voter Registration Deadline for this Election is March 30, 2015. Voter Registration Forms must be turned in to the respective county auditor (either Lincoln County or Minnehaha County) no later than 5:00 p.m. on March 30, 2015.
Vote Center Locations (see Exhibit)
The Election will be conducted at 13 Vote Centers located throughout the Sioux Falls School District. On Election Day, the voters may choose any one of the Vote Centers to cast their ballot. Vote Centers will be open from 7:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M. at the following locations:
1. First Lutheran Church, 327 South Dakota Avenue
2. Wesley United Methodist Church, 1700 East Sixth Street
3. Kenny Anderson Community Center, 3701 East Third Street
4. Sioux Falls Arena, 1201 North West Avenue
5. Oyate Community Center, 2421 West 15th Street
6. MariCar Community Center, 400 North Valley View Road
7. Memorial Middle School, 1401 South Sertoman Avenue
8. Peace Lutheran Church, 5509 West 41st Street
9. Faith Baptist Church, 601 West 57th Street
10. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 5500 East 57th Street
11. Morningside Community Center, 2400 South Bahnson Avenue
12. Asbury United Methodist Church, 2425 South Western Avenue
13. Instructional Planning Center, 201 East 38th Street
School Board Candidates for this Election (in ballot order) are:
Randy DobberpuhlTodd ThoelkeKate Parker