SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - As more bicyclists take to Sioux Falls streets, it’s important that they and drivers are mindful of each other’s needs.
The emphasis on bicycles and vehicles sharing the road comes as Sioux Falls police responded to 2 such accidents in the last week. A woman was killed last week when a vehicle struck her as it was exiting a parking lot at 49th and Kiwanis.
Then on Wednesday a 15 year old girl suffered non-life threating injuries when she was struck by a vehicle in the Lewis parking lot at 41st and Larch. In this incident the 88 year old woman driving the car didn’t see the bicyclist, and also didn’t recognize the crash had happened as she continued to drive a way with the bike and its rider under her car. The driver was cited for failing to yield.
Transportation Planner Sam Trebilcock says motorists must provide a three foot space when passing bicyclists. Trebilcock says share the road. Bicyclists have the same rights to the road as motor vehicles do. If there is not enough room for the three foot space, the bicyclist can take the road by riding in the middle.
Trebilcock says bicyclists in streets must ride as they would drive, obeying all traffic laws and signs. If bicyclists are riding on the sidewalks, they must stop at ALL intersections and cross only at intersections.
The city has video on it's website detailing bike and motor vehicle safety.