Sioux Falls, SD (KELO AM) - Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation will be hosting free summer family fun at Kids’ Nite in the Park on Tuesday, July 29, 2014. Activities include kids’ carnival booths from 6 to 8 p.m. throughout the park, along with featured entertainment which will begin at 7 p.m. at the band shell featuring Zinghoppers Kidz Dance Party.
Come and experience the beauty of McKennan Park while your kids have some fun. Bring your own supper or purchase pizza on site. Pack your lawn chairs, but most of all, don’t forget your kids or “kid-like” spirit.
McKennan Park is located at East 26th Street and South Second Avenue. Event is weather permitting.
To receive updates on Parks and Recreation activities, visit www.facebook.com/siouxfallsparksor www.twitter.com/siouxfallsparks. More information, including a downloadable copy of the summer Activities Guide, can be found at www.siouxfalls.org/parks or call 605-367-8222.