SIOUX FALLS, SD (KWSN)- National Middle Child's Day is on August 12, a day that always seems to get ignored or forgotten -- but the Sioux Falls Canaries actually remembered! They're throwing some love to the self-proclaimed "forgotten child" on their namesake holiday, and the International Middle Child Union couldn't be happier. "This kind of recognition is a giant leap forward for Middle Child-kind," says I.M.C.U founder Bruce Hopman. He pitched the idea of a "Middle Child Appreciation Night" back in April, and the Canaries were eager to play ball. When they face the New Jersey Jackals at Sioux Falls Stadium on August 12 at 7:05 P.M., they'll join a growing number of teams who are acknowledging and celebrating a holiday no one seems to know even exists. "Typical Middle Child treatment," bemoans Hopman.
Ironically, the idea for the night started out as a joke. Hopman was heading to an opening day game with a friend and quipped, "I wonder if tonight is Middle Child Night at the stadium -- you know, when you bring your Middle Child to the game, and they don't pay any attention to them!" But what started in jest turned into a crusade. Building on the success of last year's Global virtual Middle Child Strike (#MidKidStrike), Hopman was looking for a new way to spread the word about Middle Child's Day, and America's Favorite Pastime seemed like the way to go. "I came across an article listing the craziest promotions teams ran last year, and the more I read, the less of a crazy idea Middle Child Night seemed! Middle Children spend a whole lot of time trying to move up in the sibling batting order, but this is a night when they can feel like the most special member of the family," says Hopman. The next day, he began reaching out to MiLB and Independent League baseball teams all across the country.
The Sioux Falls Canaries apparently agreed. "It's only fitting this is happening on a Tuesday night," says Director of Game Operations Anthony Hegstrom. "It's like the forgotten Middle Child of the week!" The Canaries have a fun-filled evening planned that even the most attention deprived Middle Child won't soon forget. The evening is scheduled to include Middle Child themed music throughout the night, Middle Child graphics and videos between innings & mound visits, and other surprises are sure to be added. And it’s also “Give Back Tuesday” --bring a non-perishable item to the game to donate to Feeding South Dakota, and when you buy one ticket you get one FREE – even if you’re a Middle Child!!
Hopman is quick to point out that Middle Child Appreciation Night shouldn't be about excluding other members of the family. "After complaining about being the odd man out, this is a chance for us to share our night with the entire family, but the Middle Child gets to be the hero for a change, instead of getting blamed. Who knows, maybe this will change the whole family dynamic!!" His optimism is short lived, however. "The next day, we can go back to being cast aside and ignored."
Courtesy: Sioux Falls Canaries