SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO AM) - It’s estimated that one in five children in South Dakota is a victim of sexual abuse by the time they turn 18.
Jolene Loetscher, a member of a task force studying the impact of child sexual abuse, says that number may be low. Loetcher says not all abuses are reported. She says the 20% child victim rate is determind by Child Protective Services, Department of Health, Department of Justice among other state and federal agencies.
Loetscher says adults shouldn't be putting the responsibility of abuse on the child. She says we don't expect children to be responsible for getting thier own flu shots or going to the doctor. She says more adults need to step forward to help victims, see the signs and stop abuses.
Jolene’s Law Task Force has been meeting since early this year to make recommendations to address the issue statewide. It will present it's findings to the legislature next session.