Sioux Falls, S.D. (KELO AM) – Stace Nelson is the latest South Dakotan to enter the state senate race. The Sioux Falls native, he entered the Marine Corps after graduating from Mitchell High School and served as an investigator for NCIS in a military and civilian capacity. No stranger to public service, he retired in 2008 from Federal Service and returned to South Dakota.
“When I returned, I was encouraged to run for the state legislature and I won District 25 in Northern Minnehaha, Hanson and McCook Counties,” said Nelson. “There was a poll taken and hundreds of people responded that they would like to see me run in the primary. I also received a lot of requests from e-mails, phone calls and people on the street, and I take it very seriously when South Dakotans ask me to serve them.”
Nelson said, when he looked at the race, he didn’t see an actual conservative running. He then threw his hat into the ring to run as the only conservative in the South Dakota race.
“You hear the candidates say they are going to Washington D.C. to battle corruption, and then you hear them bragging that they got 3-million dollars for their campaigns,” said Nelson. “That tells me people in DC aren’t that afraid of people coming to DC to fix the problems. We have two professional politicians who have proven that they can go along to get along and I believe professional politicians are a big part of the problem.”
“One thing people across South Dakota have seen, I am not that kind of person, I stand for Conservative Republican principals” said Nelson. “I have fought against the tax and fee increases which are some of the same problems here that they have in DC that we need to fix. Last year, we had a 50-million dollar surplus and instead of cutting taxes, they blew through it and added another 97-million dollars in new spending and taxes.”
Nelson said, South Dakotans don’t really know that laws have been passed here to implement Obama Care. These politicians say they oppose Obama Care but their records up to now say they have done everything to implement it.
“If I am elected, job one is to cut the federal government,” said Nelson. “The largest portion of the budget is defense. What a lot of people don’t know, a big portion of our defense budget is foreign aid and military aid to other countries with a lot of pork in the budget.”
“We need to cut Obama Care and start over,” said Nelson. “I don’t say this as a by-stander, I am a disabled veteran who has witnessed the bureaucracy of medical care I can tell you, you do not want the government running your health care.”
“One thing that everyone needs to know, we need to cut our budget,” said Nelson. “I will look at everything with a critical eye and prevent the cutting of our necessary needs. We need to protect our infrastructure needs, and cut the military and civilian positions where people are just sitting in bloated positions.”
For more information on Candidate Stace Nelson, go to: http://stacenelson.com/
Stace Nelson was guest on the Greg Belfrage show, August 19, 2013.
To hear the interview in its entirety, please click on: http://kelo.com/podcasts/greg-belfrage-show/742/stace-nelson-announces-run-for-us-senate/