SIOUX FALLS (KELO AM) - Sioux Falls Fire Rescue provides free smoke alarm installation service to city residents of single family, owner occupied homes. This public service is provided to minimize life risk and property damage associated with home fires. As a public service, Sioux Falls Fire Rescue does not fundraise, solicit residents or partner with any agency to raise funds on our behalf to support our free smoke alarm program.
If you have questions about home fire safety or would like a home visit to check your smoke alarms, please contact Sioux Falls Fire Rescue at 605-367-8093 or email us at fireprevention@siouxfalls.org.
Sioux Falls Fire Rescue reminds residents to check your smoke detectors monthly and to have a practiced escape plan in case of emergency.
For more information from Sioux Falls Fire Rescue, visit www.siouxfalls.org/fire or follow us on facebook.com/siouxfallsfire or twitter.com/siouxfallsfire