SIOUX FALLS, SD (KELO-AM) Each year Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation invests to improve the quality of life for our city’s residents. In 2013, four new neighborhood parks were completed. This year’s focus will be to renovate existing parks and extend the bike trail.
The Elmwood Golf Course project will begin Phase 2 of renovations. At all times Elmwood will have 18 holes open and unaffected by the renovation project. Phase 1 of the project, which began last fall, renovated the East 9. Phase 2 will begin this fall with the renovation on the North 9. During this time, play will be maintained on the West 9 and the newly renovated East 9. Phase 3 is scheduled to begin in the fall of 2015, which will renovate the West 9.
Neighborhood parks will continue to be a focus this year. Lyon Park, located at 600 South Phillips Avenue, will receive major renovations, which are anticipated to begin in May. A master plan for Southern Vistas Park near West 53rd Street and South Technopolis Drive will also be developed this summer with construction anticipated to begin in the spring of 2015.
Several trail extension and access point projects will also be under way this summer. The bike trail will be extended a half mile east along the north side of the Big Sioux River from Lien Park. Four access points will also be paved to provide better access to the main trail loop. The locations include a connection to Johnny Carino’s parking lot, 41st Street adjacent to the Olive Garden, East 43rd Street on the west side of the river, and 49th Street on the east side of the river.
Other park system enhancements include a new restroom at Family Park and a restroom replacement near the picnic shelter at Falls Park. Kuehn Park tennis court lighting will also receive a new controller to reduce energy consumption. Construction at the Scheels IcePlex will also continue. The City of Sioux Falls is assisting that project by providing funding to purchase equipment for the facility.
“We are looking forward to another summer of exciting enhancements to our park system. As the city continues to grow, the park system will continue to evolve based on the needs of our community,” said Don Kearney, Director of Parks and Recreation.
For more information, visit www.siouxfalls.org/parks or call 605-367-8222.