Sioux Falls, S.D. (KELO AM) - The Sioux Falls VA (Dept. of Veterans Affairs) Health Care System will host a VA2K Walk and Roll on May 21, 2014 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM to encourage healthy activity while supporting homeless Veterans with donated items.
The VA2K Walk and Roll is free and open to employees, Veterans, and the general public. Registration will take place in the main lobby of the medical center, and walkers may walk a route around the VA neighborhood. In the event of inclement weather, there will be a designated route inside the medical center. Pre-registration is not required, and those interested in participating should plan to arrive at the main lobby no later than 12:30 PM to participate in the walk.
The Sioux Falls VA2K is just one of many taking place May 21 at other VAs across the country. In conjunction with the event, VA is authorized to accept items for homeless Veterans. Suggested donations include all purpose cleaners, mops, brooms, laundry supplies, and bus passes. Individuals are not required to donate to participate.
The event is open to individuals of all fitness levels and can be done over a lunch break. Whether you team up with a coworker, a friend, or participate on your own, there’s no better time to step up your activity level and help improve the lives of homeless Veterans. For additional information, please contact Denise Schwardt, local VA2K Coordinator, at 605-336-3230, Ext. 7946 ordenise.schwardt@va.gov.